Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bad Idea T-shirts Review

To me there is nothing better than throwing on a comfy T-shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. Don't get me wrong I dress up once in a while but that is for events for the kids and such. For the girls' cheer practice I wear T's because I never know what I will be doing, fitting and altering uniforms, painting signs, or ducking fly baseballs from the field across the street (happened to me last week haha). Bad Idea T-shirts is one of my new faves. There are so many shirts I would love to have but with school aged kids they would be a big no-no, but they are still hilarious. Thankfully they have a lot of PG funny tees too! Check out the one that I got...
The great thing is that you can customize the color, fit, and style. They also carry American Apparel for the athletic fit too. The shirt is very comfy and I always get a laugh when I wear it. We live in Ohio and here you go from city to country in 5 minutes so I am going to wear it up to my aunts farm and see what they all think haha. 

Bad Idea is not just funny t-shirts, You can choose to have the designs printed on tank tops and even hoodies! I really want this one...
They have great deals and shirt giveaways daily on their Facebook page so check them out!

*I was provided this product free of charge for the purpose of publishing an honest review and was in no way influenced by the sponsor or PR firm*


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